

    For information on any of our Parish Ministries, please contact our parish office at 314-638-3938 or click the link to that ministry.

    Let’s Conserve Energy!

    In an effort to conserve energy and unnecessary equipment usage, we are asking all groups and organizations to make sure when your meetings etc. are finished in whatever room you are using in the complex to PLEASE make sure that you turn off the lights and turn off the air conditioning.

    If you are interested in serving in a Parish Ministry, please call one of the following:
    Eucharistic Minister: Barry Papke, 314-898-8811
    Eucharistic Ministers for Funerals:

    Parish Office 314-638-3938

    Greeters: Mike Carosone 314-478-9432
    Lector: Greg & Joan Hempen, 314-353-7638
    Server: Mike Panneri, 314-849-5557 

    Usher: Rick Erschen, 314-842-6306
    Homebound Communion Ministries: Colleen Konold, 314-313-4984
    Choir: Mary Eggleston, 314-842-4049
    Liturgy Commission: Patty Papke, 314-680-3134 

    When are Masses held?

    Mass Schedule

    How do I become Catholic?

    Becoming Catholic

    Where is the church located?

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