Date: September 20, 2022-October 25, 2022 Time: 6:25 PM -- Multiday
Charism Course
Do you ever wonder what God’s purpose is for your life?
Did you know that at your baptism the Holy Spirit gave YOU a specific and unique combination of gifts (Charisms) to be used in a unique way that only YOU can fulfill?
These gifts are selected by the Holy Spirit just for you. They facilitate a profound encounter with Jesus and elicit great joy. Charisms are in the New Testament and have been a teaching of our church for 2,000 years. So how do I know what mine are and what do I do with them? I want to invite you to a program to do just that. My name is Bill Lampe. I have studied Charisms for over 10 years now and I have been certified to present the Charism course, entitled Called and Gifted Discernment, through the Catherine of Siena Institute. When it is over, you will have the tools to continue the lifelong process of discerning the gifts the Holy Spirit gave YOU and how you may use them in your life.
Some specifics:
1. I have received Fr John’s approval for this.
2. If you have taken a Charism program or course in the past, this is for you.
3. It is a commitment. It is 5 Tuesday nights together at the Parish Center, with each session lasting about one and a half hours.
4. The total cost is $44, payable to the Parish.
5. You will need online access to complete the inventory.
6. We will need to limit the first session to 6 to 12 people. It is open to any baptized adult who is sincerely interested in discovering his or her unique set of Gifts.
7. We plan to begin on Tuesday evening, September 20, at 6:30 PM.
If you are interested, please email me at