Seven Holy Founders Handbook
Welcome to Seven Holy Founders Parish School of Religion. We are honored to partner with you on enriching and educating your children in the Catholic Faith. Our mission here at Seven Holy Founders is the following:
Rooted in the Servite traditions, Seven Holy Founders Faith Formation program exists in order to provide quality religious education to the children of our parish and community, leading them in faith, and encouraging them through instruction and example to serve God and others.
In this packet, you will also find Student Emergency Forms and Media Permission forms. Please fill these out and put them in the envelope provided. On the 1st night of in person class, there will be a basket at drop off to put them in. These forms MUST accompany the student on the 1st night of class. (September 11th)
Please let me know if you have any other questions. The best way to get a hold of me is by email, If you need me to call you, please leave name, number, and best time to call you back.
I pray that everyone stays safe and healthy. We are looking forward to being with our students this year!
May Peace and Happiness be with you all!
Jenifer Broyles
SHF Religion Coordinator
Protocol for Drop off/Pick up
We will have drop off in front of the school building. Staff will help assist your child out of the car so they can walk in the main school building doors. Students will then go to the gymnasium and get in their class line.
Pick up
Health Check
Seven Holy Founders Religious Curriculum
Alive in Christ by Our Sunday Visitor
►Jesus Christ is at the Center
Alive in Christ is intentional in its focus on the life, mission and saving work of Jesus Christ. This lays the foundation for a lifelong relationship with Jesus, who "...alone can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity"(CCC 426).
►Building Knowledge of, and Reverence for, Sacred Scripture
Sacred Scripture from both the Old and New Testament is presented in ways that encourage students to learn about the people and stories of the Bible and listen to the voice of God.
►Comprehensive Presentation of Catholic Teaching
Alive in Christ provides a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the Catholic faith. Key themes of Catholic teaching are repeated each year through a grade-level lens, building on the child's knowledge of the faith at each developmental stage.
►Unique and Effective Pedagogy
Mirroring the divine pedagogy, each lesson begins with God's invitation through Sacred Scripture and leads children to reflect on his Word, study it in Sacred Tradition, and respond with a lived faith.
►Developmentally Responsive and Appropriate
Written by a team of experts in child psychology, education and theology, Alive in Christ incorporates the most trusted research on how children learn and communicate. Faith concepts are presented at important developmental "windows"—ages when research in child development tells us that learning about a particular topic would be most effective.
►Putting Faith into Practice
Activities and questions throughout each lesson prompt children to relate knowledge of our faith with their life experience so they can apply the many ways we worship, live, pray, and serve together as Catholics.
►Complete and Purposeful Approach to Prayer and Worship
At every grade level, Alive in Christ intentionally incorporates the five basic forms of prayer and provides complete lessons on Church feasts and seasons.
►Tools for Involving Families in Children's Faith Formation
The "Family + Faith" page and an extensive website give families the tools they need to know what their children are learning, talk about their Catholic faith, and recognize ways they can apply it to their daily lives.
►Support for Both Novice and Experienced Catechists
Alive in Christ Catechist Edition empowers catechists with easy-to-use and effective tools for lesson planning, teaching and reinforcing faith concepts, and growing in their own relationship with Christ and his Church.
►Organized in a Convenient, Consistent, Time-Saving Format
The key concepts, doctrinal content, and chapter objectives are fully explained and conveniently located at the beginning of each chapter.
►Easy-To-Use Wraparound Lesson Plan
Clear, concise, wraparound lesson plan leads the catechist page-by-page through the effective three-step process with integrated connections to music, Sacred Scripture, teaching tips, liturgy links, and Catholic Social Teaching.