Seven Holy Founders offers a wide variety of services for children and young adults. In order to volunteer or work for Seven Holy Founders you must complete the Prevent and Protect Requirements. Click on Safe Environment Program on the right for instructions.
PSR Program
PSR classes are Mondays at 6:30pm. Please contact Jenifer Broyles to register.
Encounter Youth Ministries
Contact Clemente Rodriguez at
Holy Cross Academy​
Seven Holy Founders Athletic Association
We need new members to help transition the JPII AA into the SHF AA! Lead & Assistant Positions available across all Sports and Support areas! Registration Fees Waived for Board Members! Save hundreds of dollars over your family's CYC sports careers! Please contact Rick Bakersmith for more information or with questions. email: cell: 314.220.3119
The purpose of the Safe environment Program is to create a safe environment for our children and for vulnerable adults.
The Archdiocese of St. Louis is committed to the prevention of abuse and to assisting those who are affected by incidents of abuse.
All adult employees and volunteers who have contact with minors and vulnerable adults must complete the following:
*If you have previously attended a PGC workshop, the system will find and ask you to confirm your previous record of attendance. You will not be prompted to register for an upcoming workshop.
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline:
Promise To Protect | Archdiocese of St Louis (