Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council

Parish Representatives

Sandy Leibrecht, Jessica Rice and Christopher Fernandez not pictured.

Photos Courtesy of
Steve Immer, Ingenuity-STL

Our Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council consists of the Pastor, our active deacon and twelve selected members of the parish family. The lay members of the Council come from a variety of backgrounds and represent many aspects of our parish life. They are active in St. Vincent dePaul Society, Strengthen Your Brother (SYB), Ladies Igniting Faith Together (LIFT), ACTS Retreats, Maintenance Committee, Parish School of Religion and Holy Cross Academy. They serve in liturgical roles as lectors, servers, Eucharistic Ministers and greeters. They can be found helping at parish Fish Fries, bingos and other special events. Please feel free to reach out to any member of this Council with questions, suggestions or concerns you may have about life in our great parish


Parishioners wishing to speak before the Council must present their issue to the pastor or council chair at least one month before the scheduled meeting. Parishioners are encouraged to talk with any member of the Council at any time about questions or suggestions they may have.

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