Notes from Our Pastor

Notes from Our Pastor

September 4, 2022

Dear parishioners:

On Friday, August 19, the priests of the archdiocese gathered for a listening session as part of the All Things New planning process. We were presented with possible models of parishes in each of the 15 planning areas in the archdiocese. It was a long but fruitful day. Let me share a personal reflection on that gathering.

I was edified by my fellow priests. In an interview that appeared in the Post- Dispatch, Fr. Chris Martin, who is leading this effort, said that he found the gathering very fraternal. I found a real spirit of respect and cooperation. After options in each planning area were presented, we had a chance to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. We were asked to write our responses to each model. I was at a table with several priests my age and several younger men. The last question at the end of each discussion became asking the younger priests what their final thoughts were, knowing that they would be the ones leading the Church into the future.

This fall the archdiocese will be hosting listening sessions for each parish. You will be invited to participate in one of two sessions here at Seven Holy Founders. It will concentrate on the planning area of which we are a part. I am sure that it will be structured much like the session we experienced at the priest gathering. We will provide dates and information on how to register for the sessions as soon as we have it.

In preparation for those sessions, I invite you to go to the All Things New website,, and look at the “Ways to Engage” tab. You will find information on our planning area as well as data on Catholic trends in St. Louis and archdiocesan wide results from the Disciples Maker index.

Please continue to pray that we may be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we plan for the future of the Archdiocese of St. Louis!

In Christ,
Fr. John

August 28, 2022


Dear parishioners:

The first reading from the book of Sirach calls us to live the virtue of humility, a virtue that seems to be in short supply in our time . . . and maybe in every time.

I am happy to share a brief reflection on humility written by Fr. Paul Turner. It appeared in Liturgy Training Publications a number of years ago.

“We learn humility in different ways. Sometimes we try to attain what is beyond our reach. We try to accomplish something we desire to attain. We fail. We humbly learn our limitations.

Sometimes we boast about our accomplishments. We have achieved much and we tell others the truth. But we lose the esteem of our friends when we do so. Boasting may be honest, but humility brings rewards.

Still, some people erroneously believe that humility is weak and pride is strong. Some public figures . . . entertainers, politicians and professional athletes, for example . . . boast in the midst of combat. They want attention. They disdain the competition. Their success depends on their self-certitude.

Their fall is all the more sharp. In the end, even the most talented share the same mortality as everyone else. We are all humans. We shall all taste death. In the sight of God, humility is the only honest stance we can take.

The book of Sirach urges us to conduct our affairs with humility. We will be loved by others and favored by God. We will recognize that, in spite of our gifts, there is One who is greater: the giver of these gifts. When we acknowledge the might of God, humility becomes a way of life!”

In Christ,
Fr. John 

August 21, 2022


Dear parishioners:

At last week’s Parish Council meeting we took time to talk about some of the events and gatherings that we had begun before Covid that, of course, halted during the pandemic. We know that it is time to “pick up where we left off!”

For young adults in the parish (and there are more registering each month), we hope to have a Friday evening Happy Hour soon. We were just beginning to have momentum inviting our young adults to gather, enjoy each other’s company, and get to know fellow parishioners, when Covid reared its ugly head. So, watch for information about an upcoming gathering.

Before the pandemic we had also begun having Children’s Liturgy of the Word at some of our Sunday 9:00 a.m. Masses. We hope to be able to offer that option for our little ones again. It is an opportunity for our little ones to have their own Liturgy of the Word while their parents are free to hear the Sunday scripture and homily. If anyone is interested in helping with Children’s Liturgy of the Word, we would love to have your help. What a wonderful way to minister to our littlest children and their parents!

And if anyone has been thinking about serving as a Eucharistic Minister, let us know! We need ministers at all the Masses, but most especially at 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

In Christ,
Fr. John 

August 14, 2022


Dear parishioners:

As our children and grandchildren return to school, let me share a blessing prayer that you may want to pray with them and for them.

Blessed are you, God our Father,
maker of the universe:
you have sent Jesus to be our brother
and to save us in your love.

Bless + us as we begin this year,
and help us in all we do for you.
Let the Holy Spirit give us light,
and lead us to you through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A reminder for our Parish School of Religion families to register for the new year if you have not yet done so. We will celebrate our opening at our 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, August 28, followed by an Open House which will begin in the parish hall. If anyone would want to serve the children in the PSR by being on our substitute teacher list, it would be a great blessing. You can contact Jenifer Broyles, our PSR director, at

As our children return to Holy Cross Academy, the teachers and staff will join us on Monday, August 15, at the 8:00 a.m. Mass. What a great opportunity to pray for our students, parents, faculty and staff! And a word of gratitude to our parishioners John Fechter, who is serving as president of HCA School Board this year, and Emilie Baker and Stephanie True who are serving on the board!

And some exciting news! The annual HCA Gala will be held at SHF on November 19! So save the date and plan on attending!

In Christ,
Fr. John

P.S. It’s looking like the most affordable option for making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land will be February 12-22, 2023. With these dates in mind, please email me at if you are interested in making the trip. More information will be coming! 

August 7, 2022


Dear parishioners:

I want to share with you two ways to participate in the All Things New Initiative. The Disciple Makers Index survey results proved an overwhelming desire to see more young people involved in parish life. Young adults are gifted with the energy, time, creativity and talents needed by the Church.

We invite the young adults in the parish to take a survey that is available on the All Things New website!

The U.S bishops define young adults as individuals between the ages 18-39, and say “persons in their late teens, twenties and thirties represent diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, educational, vocational, social, political and spiritual backgrounds. They are college students, workers and professionals; they are persons in military service; they are single, married, divorced or widowed; they are with or without children; they are newcomers in search of a better life.” To all young adults, please take the time to complete the survey. You can find the survey at!

The archdiocese is also looking for feedback from all parishioners on what you believe the top priorities are for evangelization and community outreach in our parish. We hope to have those questions available in a Flocknote survey and a paper copy survey in church this week or next. Or you can go to this link Evangelization and Social Outreach Parishioner Feedback

Please pray for the grace of the Holy Spirit to renew the Church of St. Louis! Pray for a calm and gentle spirit as our archdiocese moves forward in the All Things New Initiative!

In Christ,
Fr. John

For more parish news and information, please check our weekly bulletin.

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