90 Days of Prayer Through May 5, pro-abortion supporters are attempting to collect signatures for a ballot initiative to insert abortion language into our state constitution. Committed to saving preborn children and protecting Missouri women, the Archdiocese of St. Louis invites Missouri Catholics and other pro-life advocates to unite in prayer before our Eucharistic Lord to stop these efforts. Email Deacon Tom at tschills1@gmail.com if you plan to attend Tuesday evenings and Jen Hogan at ho-gan3201@sbcglobal.net if you plan to attend on Sundays. There is no cost or book, all are welcome, and no study is required. Come in the peace of Christ to a very welcoming place. During 90 Prayer Days for Life, individuals, families, groups, schools, and parishes are invited to: Choose a day to pray. Sign up online here: https://bit.ly/90DaysForLife 2024 Pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, through our Blessed Mother’s inter-cession, specifically for this intention on the scheduled day. Seven Holy Founders' Adoration Chapel is located on the lower level of the Parish Center building. Please call the rectory at
314-638-3938 to get the keypad code for the door.
Thank you for your support to families in need!
The Lifeline Coalition is a group of social service agencies and pro-life caregivers that assist women in crisis pregnancies. Member agencies include: Birthright, Our Lady’s Inn Maternity Home, Good Shepherd Children and Family Services, Haven of Grace, Mary Queen of Angels Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Fund, which is used to relieve the burdens of expectant parents and for parents who have recently given birth under difficult circumstances. The agencies provide assistance with medical expenses, housing, food and clothing; they offer educational and spiritual guidance, counseling and adoption services. Today, more than 10,000 local women and children are helped each year through this pro-life campaign.
You can mail your donation directly to: Respect Life Apostolate, Mail Stop 340001, P.O. Box 953745, St. Louis, MO 63195- 3745. Thank you for your donation.
In May free Mother's Day cards or available at the church exits. Birth Right Envelopes are provided with the card. We hope you can make a donation.
Every year the Pro-Life Committee sells Christmas cards to benefit the South County Chapter of Missouri Right to Life, to help maintain Pro-Life highway billboards. Cards are $12/box of 18. Contact Karen Palazzola 314-805-5047 for delivery of cards or questions.
The Archdiocese of St. Louis offers support for all those looking for hope and healing at
archstl.org/hopehealing or by calling the Respect Life Apostolate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis
(314) 792-7555.
Call Mary Wilper @
314-638-9515 or mjjwilper@juno.com with questions.